Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beauty or Intelliegence?

So much debate has been going on from time immemorial about which of the two qualities is more important for a person: beauty or intelligence. There has been so much controversies regarding this matter that it has become a somewhat "cliche". But this debate has not reached any conclusion, has it?

Although people admire beauty, the basic factor that determines a person's well-being, sociability, career and success is basically: intelligence. In this age of globalization and cut-throat competition, there are a lot of factors that determine a person's success, and smartness, repeat, smartness is the first one of them. Beauty can have some positive impact on employers, but what differentiates is the intelligence.

However, multinational companies, which produce and sell beauty care products all around the globe have been using cruel, intentional and ridiculous advertising techniques to promote their products. They have been saying that in order to be successful and famous, you need to be attractive, fair, tall with a figure that can blow other peoples' minds. This type of irrational, discriminatory and useless propaganda are always affecting unsuspecting people. They buy the products, get cheated almost always (research shows that there is no such thing that can increase your complexion overnight or make you grow taller). Source: www.bhoopathy.net.

If you really want to improve yourself, and lead a successful, worthy life, I would suggest that you try to improve your inner beauty rather than your outside look.

Please feel free to comment on my articles.
Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is a very good topic & title also "Beauty or Intelliegence?"yes i agree with you that we must have try to improve our inner beauty & express it but i think now a days of globalization we also need our outer expression.
thank you